Cesaroni Technology Incorporated

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Cesaroni Technology Incorporated (CTI) is a commercial motor manufacturer. They make hobby motors from 24mm through 161mm diameters.



On March 24th, 2016, a fire broke out at Cesaroni's plant. There were no fatalities, but at least two people were injured.

Propellant types


Classic is CTI's oldest and most widespread propellant. It has a moderate burn rate and clear yellow-orange flame with low smoke.


Imax propellant is optimized for impulse density. It produces more impulse in a given casing than any other CTI propellant.

Vmax (discontinued)

Vmax was CTI's fastest burning propellant. It has a clear yellow-orange flame with low smoke. CTI discontinued it after their 2016 fire.

White Thunder

White Thunder is a fast burning propellant with a white flame and white smoke. It has a very similar burn rate to Aerotech Blue Thunder propellant, but gets a higher Isp .


White is a moderate burning rate propellant with a white flame and white smoke.

Blue Streak

Blue streak is a moderate burning rate propellant with a blue flame and moderate smoke. The blue color is much more pronounced than Aerotech's Blue Thunder.

Red Lightning

Red Lightning is a moderate burning rate propellant with a red flame and moderate smoke.


Green³ is a moderate burning rate propellant with a greenish flame and moderate smoke. The green color is much less pronounced than in Aerotech Mojave Green.

Smoky Sam

Smoky Sam is a fast burning propellant with dense black smoke. It has a faster burn rate (and thus higher thrust) than Aerotech Fast Blackjack.


Mellow is a very slow burning propellant with almost no flame and moderate smoke. It gets less impulse than other motors in the same casing, but the long burn times mellow motors have enable flights that aren't possible with other propellant types.


C-star is a fast burning propellant with a bright white flame and white smoke. It is similar to Aerotech Propellant X.


Skidmark is a traditional sparky propellant. It produces black smoke and bright white sparks.


Pink is a combination of Red Lightning and Blue Streak grains. They typically only appear in 5 grain casings in order to get the ratio of propellants right.