Canadian Association of Rocketry

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Canadian Association of Rocketry Logo

The Canadian Association of Rocketry (FR: Association Canadienne de Fuséonautique) (CAR/ACF) is the major organizing body for model and high power rocketry in Canada.


The Canadian Association of Rocketry was founded in 1965, originally focused on model rocket activity. High power rocketry became common in the 1990s when restrictions on motor sizes were lifted.

The first LDRS held in Canada was LDRS 24, held in 2004 at the Rock Lake site in Lethbridge, Alberta.


The CAR/ACF has a model rocket safety code that is similar to the NAR model rocket safety code. It also regulates high-power rocketry in Canada. Unlike TRA and NAR, the CAR/ACF has four certification levels. Also different from the American organizations is that the written test is taken before L1 certification rather than at L2. The written test contains two portions, 25 questions on Transport Canada regulations of which 100% must be answered correctly, and 25 questions on technical knowledge of which 75% must be answered correctly. To certify L4, a flier must complete an electronics endorsement of two flights with electronic deployment at the L3 level as well as submit documentation for approval from the L4 Certification Committee, similar to the process in Tripoli or NAR.

High Power Certification Levels
L1: H
L1: H,I L2: I
L2: J,K,L L3: J,K,L
L3: M,N,O L4: M,N,O

Some other notable differences in Canadian regulations compared to those in the USA are that experimental motors are prohibited by Transport Canada, and that the boundary between a model rocket and a high power rocket is only defined by the impulse and the total rocket mass, 160 Ns and 1.5 kg respectively. There are no restrictions on propellant mass or average thrust, so unlike in the USA there are no G motors considered high power, or H motors with low propellant mass that can be flown as a model rocket.


Clubs affilliated with the CAR/ACF that host high-power launch events are listed below.

Calgary Rocketry hosts launches at Hanna, AB, and at the Rock Lake, AB site under the event name Sullivan Lake since the old Sullivan Lake site became unusable in the early 2000s. Also a Tripoli prefecture (Tripoli Calgary).

Edmonton Rocketry Club hosts launches at the Viking, AB site.

Lethbridge Rocketry Association hosts the Rock Lake, AB launch.

Saskatoon Rocketry Society hosts launches at the Kitscoty, AB site.

Club Québecois de Fuséonautique/Quebec Rocketry Club hosts launches at St. Pie de Guire (2 separate sites) and at Lac-st-Jean. Also a Tripoli prefecture (Tripoli Quebec).

New Brunswick Rocketry hosts launches at CFB Gagetown. Flight ceilings above 20,000 ft are available.