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Aerotech is a commercial rocket motor manufacturer. They make motors from 18mm up to 98mm diameter.

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Propellant types

White Lightning

White Lightning is the most popular Aerotech propellant. It generally burns slowly, with a large white flame and produces thick white clouds of smoke. It has high density but low specific impulse.

Super white lightning

Super White Lightning is a new propellant. It produces less smoke, but has a brighter flame and a higher specific impulse.

Fast white lightning

Fast White Lightning is a version of White Lightning used in White Lightning Q-jets.

Blue Thunder

Blue thunder is a fast burning propellant that in larger sizes produces blue flame. The blue flame it makes is much less pronounced than other blue propellants, and typically only appears quite far away from the nozzle. It has low specific impulse.

New Blue Thunder

New Blue thunder is a propellant that appears in a small number of Aerotech motors. They aren't always clearly distinguished from old Blue Thunder, such as in the G138T. New Blue Thunder produces a clear bluish-violet flame which is much more pronounced than the color of old Blue Thunder. It has very high specific impulse.

Super Thunder

Super Thunder is a very fast burning propellant. It has a similar flame appearance to old Blue Thunder.


Redline is a moderately fast burning propellant that produces a red flame and white smoke. It is the brightest red propellant on the market.

Black Jack

Black Jack is a slow burning propellant that produces dense black smoke. Over time the smoke turns to gray and then white. Black Jack is also used as the delay composition in most Aerotech motors.

Black Max/Fast Blackjack

Black Max and Fast Blackjack are two names for a faster burning version of Black Jack. They have a moderate burn rate, and produce the same dense black smoke as standard Black Jack. This propellant is used in Quest Q-jets.

Warp 9

Warp 9 is the fastest burning propellant available from any hobby manufacturer. It has a clear yellowish-orange flame with prominent mach diamonds.

Dark Matter

Dark Matter is a sparky propellant. It makes dense black smoke with bright white sparks.


Metalstorm is a sparky propellant. It is unique among sparkies in that it produces white smoke instead of black.

Mojave Green

Mojave Green is a fast burning propellant that produces a green flame.

Propellant X

Propellant X is a propellant based on the Space Shuttle SRB propellant formulation. It is designed to get very high specific impulse.


Classic is a quick burning propellant that has a clear yellowish-orange flame with prominent mach diamonds. It produces almost no smoke.