Loki Research

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Revision as of 19:50, 8 April 2021 by CarVac (talk | contribs) (edit intro)
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Loki Research is a commercial rocket motor manufacturer. They make certified APCP motors for snap-ring cases from 38mm through 98mm. They also sell supplies for homemade research motors.


Propellant types

Loki Blue

Loki Blue is a quick burning propellant with a bright blue flame.

Loki Red

Loki Red is a slow burning propellant with a red flame.

Loki White

Loki White is a moderately fast burning propellant with a white flame and dense white smoke.


Spitfire is a sparky propellant.

Ice Blue

Ice Blue is a combination of Loki Blue and Loki White grains with different core diameters sized to burn out at the same time.


Cocktail is a combination of Loki Blue and Loki Red grains with different core diameters sized to burn out at the same time.