List of Motor Manufacturers: Difference between revisions

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A former manufacturer of snap-ring APCP motors. Some motors made for AMW cases (compatible with AMW and Loki in 54mm) are produced by CTI.
A former manufacturer of snap-ring APCP motors. Some motors made for AMW cases (compatible with AMW and Loki in 54mm) are produced by CTI.


=== Ellis Mountain ===
=== Ellis Mountain ===

Revision as of 03:50, 3 January 2023

Solid Motor Manufacturers


Aerotech is a major manufacturer of APCP motors. They are also the OEM for various other brands of motor, such as Quest and Apogee. They also sell parts for homemade motors under the RCS brand.

Cesaroni Technology Incorporated

CTI is a major manufacturer of APCP motors. They also manufacture Hypertek hybrids.


Estes is the biggest manufacturer of low through mid-power black powder motors.


Klima is a European manufacturer of low-power motors powered by a fuel similar to whistle mix.

Loki Research

Loki is a smaller manufacturer of snap-ring APCP motors that also provides supplies for homemade motors. Loki utilizes snap-ring cases with reusable nozzles.


Formerly a black powder motor manufacturer, they are now owned by Aerotech and primarily sell composite motors, except for the ultraminiature black powder MicroMaxx motors.

Southern Cross Rocketry

SCR is an Australian manufacturer of low-power black powder motors.

Hybrid Motor Manufacturers


Contrail is a manufacturer of UC-valve based hybrids.


Hypertek is a brand of hybrids that are completely free of pyrotechnic materials utilizing pure oxygen and an electrical spark for ignition.

Owned/manufactured by Cesaroni Technology Incorporated.

They don't sell hardware anymore, but may make reloads for people.

Defunct Motor Manufacturers

Animal Motor Works

A former manufacturer of snap-ring APCP motors. Some motors made for AMW cases (compatible with AMW and Loki in 54mm) are produced by CTI.

AMW N2801Skidmark BChanes.jpg

Ellis Mountain

A manufacturer of APCP motors known for long burn durations that went defunct when its founder, Robert Ellis, passed away. After the Aerotech fire, Ellis Mountain helped produce Aerotech brand motors. [CITATION NEEDED]


A manufacturer of snap-ring APCP motors that went defunct when its founder, Frank Kosdon, passed away. Some motors made for Kosdon cases (compatible with AMW and Loki in 54mm) are produced by Aerotech.


A former manufacturer of APCP motors.


A former manufacturer of monotube UC-valve hybrids and an experimental "tribrid" using alcohol in addition to nitrous oxide and a solid fuel.